Peninsula Federal Credit Union
Peninsula Federal Credit Union

3700 10th Street
Menominee, MI 49858
Phone: 906-863-5382


Peninsula Federal Credit Union offers a wide variety of exceptional loan products and services, tailored to the member's needs. Please review our loan products below. If you need additional information on our product offering, please contact us online or call 1-888-547-2732.

For loan management information, click here
Vehicle Loans

* For car price information click here
* No down payment required
* Up to 72 months on new and selected used cars
* Loan protection and disability insurance available for purchase. (Insurance products sold through or in the credit union are not insured by the National Credit Union Administraton and are not issued, guarnateed, or underwritten by the credit union or the National Credit Union Administration or any other federal government agency; and There is no requirement or obligation to purchase insurance from the credit union or any subsidiary, affiliate, or particular unaffiliated third party as a condition to obtaining a loan, and a decision as to insurance agents will not affect the credit terms in any way. The credit union may not condition an extension of credit on an agreement not to obtain, or a prohibition on the applicant from obtaining an insurance product or annuity from an unaffiliated entity.)
* Pre-approve your loan and be ready to purchase when that good deal arises
* Loan Application
* Loan Rates
* Car Payment Calculator

Click here to shop for a vehicle online!
VISA Accounts

* 12.9% APR
* No annual fee
* Click here for VISA application (Note: This online form will begin the application process.)
* Click Here for a credit card debt reduction calculator
* VISA Disclosure information

Student Loans

* For more information, go to Michigan Guaranty Agency
(If completing the online application you must enter Peninsula Federal
Credit Union as Lender and 819769 as Lender Number)
* College Financial Planner

For loan and credit management resources, click here

* Boats, Motors & Trailers
* Home Mortgage
* Mobile Homes
* Recreational Vehicles
* Home Repair
* Education
* Taxes
* Vacation
* Medical & Dental
* Bill Consolidation
* Share/CD Secured
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