Ishpeming Community Federal Credit Union
Ishpeming Community Federal Credit Union

1419 N. Second Street
Ishpeming, Michigan
Toll Free 1 (877)-MYICFCU

Ishpeming Community Federal Credit Union


* Deposit Not available
* Withdrawal No charge
* Transfer No charge
* Overdraft $25.00
* Replace lost card $2.00
* Change PIN No charge


* Outgoing $20
* Incoming No charge
* Outgoing(foreign) $30
* Incoming (foreign) No charge

SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES (annual cost)

* 5 inch by 3 inch $15
* 5 inch by 5 inch $20
* 10 inch by 3 inch $25
* 10 inches by 5 inch $30
* 10 inch by 10 inch $35


* No Monthly Service Charge
* Overdraft returned (Draft or ACH) $25
* Overdraft paid $25
* Stop payment (Draft or ACH) $15
* Check/draft copy $1
* Overdraft transfer (Draft or ACH) $1
* Check/draft printing varies depending on the style of check ordered


* Dormant account $5/month
* An account is dormant if for three years there have been no deposits or withdrawals from any "suffix"; no active loans, IRA's or certificates.
* Telephone transfer No charge
* Deposited check returned unpaid $3 per item
($3 maximum charge per day)
* Account research $10/hour
* Account balancing assistance No charge
* Statement copies $1/page
* Money orders $1
* Certified checks $2
* Photocopies 5 free/day then .10/each
* Fax $1 page incoming and outgoing
* Garnishment, executions, levies $10

VISA Credit Card

* Annual Fee No Charge
* Over the limit No Charge
* Late Payment $25.00
* Cash Advance No Charge
* Replace lost Card $2.00

VISA Gift Card $2.00
VISA CU Money/Travel Cards $5.00 (loadable up to $5000)


Announcing the perfect, whatever-the-occasion, oh you’re so thoughtful gift idea. You can never go wrong with a Visa Gift Card. It’s good at millions of places - including retail and online merchants - and for mail and phone orders.

It is the perfect gift because it lets the recipient decide what they really want, and it’s prepaid so it can’t be overspent, with all the protection and security features you’ve come to expect from Visa.

Can’t decide what to give? Ask one of our member service representatives about a Visa Gift Card today. We will help you get the response you want: Oh you’re so thoughtful.

The Visa Gift Card can be made for any denomination $10, $15, $20, etc. It just costs you $2 for the processing.

Electronic Transfer Alternative

We can now offer automatic transfers to or from other financial institutions. If you are currently writing us a monthly check from your 'other' financial institution, we may be able to change that! If you are writing monthly checks or making monthly transfers from here to your accounts elsewhere, we may be able to change that! The ability to originate Electronic Transactions between financial institutions is here. Maybe you are sending your college student funds monthly by check - we will be able to send those funds directly from your account here to their account in College Town USA. These transfers can happen on the 3rd, 16th, 25th, every Friday or every other Friday, and will repeat monthly. See Lisa at the main office, or call 906-485­1210 ext 209 for more information.
Commercial Loans

We offer a variety of loans to meet the needs of local businesses, schools, churches and organizations.

Your credit union can now provide financing for commercial real estate, equipment, vehicles and other business needs. Please contact George, Cheryl, or Toni for details.


Yes, your Credit Union does offer consolidation for your student loans, once you graduate, no matter where your current loans are. They include Stafford, Plus, SLS & Perkins, Nursing, HEAL & Health Professions.

Some advantages are:

1. Ease of having only one payment
2. Lower monthly payments
3. Interest rate
4. Repayment options

The Federal Consolidation loan program was established to help borrowers better manage their student loan obligations. It is so simple! For more information, forms, and a consolidation calculator just call 1-800-236-6600 or please go to the Borrower section on our Web site,

If you have questions with your Student Loan Consolidation, call Toni at our main office. (906)485-1210 ext 206. (Our Lender Code #832359)

Electronic Deposit or Withdrawals

When signing up for any electronic deposits, (ie. IRS Returns, Utility Bills, Insurances, etc.) please use the following numbers:
- Our Routing Number: 291172721
- Your Membership Number: followed by three zeros for savings

When you want to access your checking account, the numbers must be exactly as shown on the bottom of your personal checks! The routing number is on the left. Your membership number is in the middle. (It will be your membership number followed by 2 digits.) The number on the bottom right, is the check number of the particular check you are looking at.

Use your membership number and the two digits, for checking account access.

Always feel free to contact us if you need verification!! We will be happy to help!!

Wire Transfer Instructions

These instructions are for incoming wires to Ishpeming Community Federal Credit Union. Unless otherwise specified, all wires will go into Savings.

First Credit to:
Central Credit Union of Michigan
ABA# 272478075

Further Credit to:
Ishpeming Community Federal Credit Union
Account# 291172721

Final Credit to:
Member's Name
Member's Account Number

Liberty Check Reordering

For your convenience we now offer online reordering of your checks drawn on your Share Draft and Money Market Accounts with us, through the Liberty Check Company. You must have your Liberty Check reorder slip when accessing this product, it is not based off of your account number.
Your form is on the second to last pack in your current box of checks. When you are ready to shop for new checks, our Online Ordering button can be found in our Home Teller Area.

Instant Cash Card
This will allow you access to your funds at our credit union 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and world wide. This card is secure with a PIN number only known to you. Your service starts when you place your card in an Automated Teller Machine, ATM. If this convenience is what you are looking for, apply today.

Visa Instant Cash and Check
This card looks like a credit card but works like your check because the purchase amount is automatically deducted from your checking account. The Instant Cash and Check Card is the premier ATM card because it is accepted wherever you see the VISA logo. Simply present your card and sign your name, it's that easy. Your option to also use it at ATM’s world wide is still there for cash withdrawals from your accounts. Does this sound like the card you have been looking for? Apply today.

VISA Instant Cash and Check - UPDATE !!
Our VISA Instant Cash and Check program has always allowed you access to your funds, with the convenience of a VISA Card. Currently ATMs World Wide bearing a logo from VISA, CIRRUS and/or INSTANT CASH, can be accessed, you now can use ATMs with the STAR Logo.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, many major department and grocery stores will have the STAR LOGO at their cash registers. This means you now will have the option to press DEBIT – enter your PIN – and request cash back, at no extra charge. Wal-Mart locally allows this feature.

You may still swipe your card, at check outs, as before, by pressing CREDIT. (your PIN will not be required) This new feature will benefit many locally, as well as traveling, to avoid ATM fees, when wanting cash.

C.L.A.S.S. Audio Response Unit
With our C.L.A.S.S. Line you can make transfers and inquiries on your saving, checking and loan accounts, simply by picking up the telephone. With a secure PIN number you can access your accounts day or night. (906)-485-4444

VISA Gift Cards
VISA CU Money/Travel Cards
Money Orders
Teller Checks
Coin Sorter

Fax Machine
Night Depository
Direct Deposit
Automatic Transfers
Drive Thru Service
Signature Guarantee
Savings Bonds Redeemed and Sold

Regular Savings
Money Market--$500.00 min.--optional check writing privileges
Holiday and Vacation Clubs
Certificates--$500.00 min.

Credit Services
VISA Charge Card - With a low 11.9% annual interest rate and a 25 day grace period on purchases, you can’t go wrong. Earn Bonus Points with every dollar you spend on your credit card and redeem them for gifts and travel awards. This card is accepted world wide and has no annual membership fee. Apply today

Business Loans
Student Loans
Home Equity
Any Purpose
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