Family First Credit Union
Family First Credit Union
6900 Midland Road
Freeland, MI 48623
Phone: 989.695.5144
Fax: 989.695.5145
Personal Services
* Share Savings Accounts
* Checking with Interest Accounts - No minimum balance, no service fee
* Overdraft Protection
* ATM/Debit Cards
* Money Market Accounts
* Certificates of Deposit
* IRA Certificates of Deposit
* Online Account Access
* NetBillPay - Bill Payment Program (must have checking account)
* ATM Machines
* Direct Deposit (Payroll, Retirement, Social Security)
* VISA - Contact us for rate information
* Loans - Cars, Boats, Recreational Vehicles
* Mortgages
* Home Equity/Home Improvement Loans
* Money Orders
* Notary Service
* Club Accounts - Christmas & Vacation
* IRA Share Accounts
* Escrow Accounts
* Travelers Checks (1% fee)
* Night Deposit
* Credit Life and/or Disability Insurance available on qualified loans
(optional - member pays)
* Land Contract Handling
* Wire Transfer Service - Domestic and Foreign
© 2002-2010, Family First Credit Union. All rights reserved.
