Chemical Bank
Chemical Bank
101 N. Main Street
Crystal, MI 48818
Phone: 989-235-4271
Residential Mortgage Loans
Is there a new home in your future?
Whether you are first time buyer, or already own a home, Chemical Bank can help you select a financing plan that fits your budget.
Before you go house-hunting, let us help you determine your personal buying power by taking advantage of Chemical Bank's FREE Pre-Qualification Service. Simply visit our mortgage loan department and one of our expert lenders will review your financial information with you and explain how much of a mortgage loan you may be able to obtain.
After this meeting you will receive a written statement from Chemical Bank indicating that you have completed our Pre-Qualification program. This statement can then be presented to a seller or realtor as support of your ability to afford a home.
Once you have selected your home, our mortgage representative will discuss with you our broad range of financing alternatives and will provide you with specific information as to what type of mortgage might best fit your particular needs.
Just stop in or call any Chemical Bank Location to arrange for your no obligation Pre-Qualification interview. Take advantage of this opportunity -- you'll be glad you did!
Important Notice:
The Chemical Bank Pre-Qualification Program is not an application or a credit approval, but is an estimate of your home buying potential, based on the information supplied.
If you desire a Pre-Approved residential real estate mortgage, Chemical Bank has the program for you.
© 2010 Chemical Bank
