Charlevoix State Bank
Charlevoix State Bank
9136 Main Street
Ellsworth, MI 49729
Phone: (231)588-2211
Established in 1994, Charlevoix State Bank is the ONLY community owned and operated bank in Charlevoix, Michigan. We felt it was important, in a community such as ours, to provide the personal, friendly service that is being lost in this era of banking mega-mergers.
In 1998, we expanded our county presence to our friends on Beaver Island.
In 2002, we began a very exciting joint project in East Jordan to completely renovate the historical Porter Lumber and Vortuba buildings on Main Street. The "new" building houses Charlevoix State Bank, as well as the East Jordan Area Chamber of Commerce office, a Charlevoix Area Hospital Physical Rehabilitation Center and other office and retail space. Our East Jordan branch was finally ready to open in November of 2003.
Charlevoix Southside Drive-Thru opened in June 2005 near the corner of U.S. 31 and M-66. Our Ellsworth Branch opened in May 2006 and is located on Main Street. The Ellsworth Branch is also home to a 24/7 ATM.
We urge you to explore our website, call us if you have any questions, and please, by all means, stop in to meet our friendly and capable staff.
© 2005-2009 Charlevoix State Bank
